You can support Brian and the B.Friendly Fitness Team by becoming a Patreon member.
July 11, 2023By Brian
This is a living document. We will start with 5 men, then add 5, then another 5, until all 40 male individuals who have qualified* for the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games are here. *Qualifications are always pending drug tests, and we acknowledge the possibility (although we hope not) that this list can change based on
July 11, 2023By Barclay Dale
Image Credits: CrossFit LLC Yesterday we posted “A Decade of Consecutive Games Qualifications” chronicling the careers of Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson, Cole Sager and Noah Ohlsen as they make their tenth consecutive trip to the Games this month. Alongside these men, Katrin Davidsdottir became the fourth woman in CrossFit women’s history to record ten qualifications to the
July 11, 2023By Peter White
Image Credits: CrossFit LLC Similar to the Male and Female athlete spotlights that Brian Friend has created as living documents, this will act as a guide to the Teams leaderboard of the NOBULL CrossFit Games. Starting with five teams and adding in fives until all 38 teams competing in Madison this year are covered. (Pending drug
July 10, 2023By Barclay Dale
Image Credits: CrossFit LLC Earning a spot to the CrossFit Games once is no small feat, let alone doing it ten years in a row. Three of the 40 individual men heading to Madison later this month qualified for their tenth consecutive CrossFit Games. Today, we celebrate Björgvin Karl Guðmundsson, Cole Sager and Noah Ohlsen’s career
July 9, 2023By Brian
Image Credit: Heather Weir What it is: This is meant to be a resource document for athletes, coaches, event organizers, and fans to reference for basic information about competitions which exist in the CrossFit ecosystem. Why we made it: The intent is to offer a layout of what competitions are available for which group(s) of athletes,
July 9, 2023By Brian
Contributions from Brian Friend and John Young Image Credits: CrossFit LLC This is the last in our three-part written series documenting our top-30 women from the “Carson Era” of the CrossFit Games. Each of the top-five women on this list won the CrossFit Games at least once during the “Carson Era” and combined, they account for
July 8, 2023By Brian
Contributions from Brian Friend and John Young Image Credits: CrossFit LLC If you’re just finding this and haven’t seen our rankings for women 30-16 you can find those below: Otherwise, we will continue counting down the top female CrossFit athletes from the ‘Carson Era’, 2010 through 2016. 15. Christy (Phillips) Adkins “Adkins did a lot during
July 7, 2023By Mike Halpin
Written by Mike Halpin TDC is back! Heading into the 2023 NOBULL CrossFit Games next month, Castro, who has been back with CrossFit for a bit now is now leading all facets of the spectacle as the General Manager of Sport. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @thedavecastro Based on social media
July 6, 2023By Brian
Contributions from Brian Friend and John Young Image Credits: CrossFit LLC The CrossFit Games have moved locations a couple times during their history. We’ve broken down the history of the Games into different eras based on location. We started with the “Ranch Era”, and if you haven’t seen our top ten rankings for men and women
July 5, 2023By Barclay Dale
Written by Barclay Dale Image Credits: Athlete’s Eye We are less than a month away from the CrossFit Games which means people are starting to wonder: what will we see programmed at the Games this year? This analysis of the programming will not dive into predicting the specific movements that will show up at the Games
You can support Brian and the B.Friendly Fitness Team by becoming a Patreon member.