
All posts tagged in worldtour

  • October 2, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Alexander Pettersson Welcome to the October Friendly WODs. This is a running blog style article documenting (most) of the workouts I do. I will be on the road on and off during this month, making it challenging to find any normal rhythm to training. Thank you to those of you who follow along, the

  • September 29, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Power Monkey Fitness Part 3 Day 4 (Wednesday) Mayhem Morning A little deviation from the normal schedule today. The morning is devoted to a trip to CrossFit Mayhem  (which is about 35 minutes away). After breakfast we loaded into buses, trucks, and cars and made the drive; not entirely sure what would happen upon

  • September 28, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Power Monkey Fitness This is a three part series about my experience Power Monkey Camp 20. In case you missed part one: find it here. Day 2 (Monday) Monday and Tuesday will follow a very similar cadence in terms of the structure of camp:  The structured day starts with breakfast at either 7 or

  • September 27, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Marius Vérité Stop 1: Finland (Turun Tuomiopäivä) Stop 2: Utah (The Iron Games) Stop 3: Three Rivers, Michigan (Pit Teen Throwdown)  Stop 4: Madrid Championship Stop 5: Sweden (Halmstad Throwdown) For the first time on the trip, we’re in a place where there is no competition going on…but that doesn’t mean there weren’t plenty

  • September 27, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Jordan Samuel/Power Monkey Fitness Stop 7: Crossville, Tennessee How’d I End Up Here? Back in the United States! Stop 7 brings us to the legendary Power Monkey Camp.  Last year at the Masters Fitness Championships  I had the chance to get to know Dave Durante, Mike Cerbus, and Jordan Samuel much better than I

  • September 26, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Rickard Eimecke Stop five, Sweden. If you’ve missed any of the others: Stop 1: Finland – Turun Tuomiopäivä Stop 2: Utah – The Iron Games Stop 3: Three Rivers, Michigan (Pit Teen Throwdown)  Stop 4: Madrid Championship Following four-straight weeks of broadcasting events, the trip is taking a turn in a bit of

  • September 21, 2023By Brian

    Stop four, the Madrid Championship at the Caja Majica in Madrid, Spain.  Stop 1: Finland (Turun Tuomopaiva) Stop 2: Utah (The Iron Games) Stop 3: Three Rivers, Michigan (Pit Teen Throwdown)  I was invited to be a part of the broadcast for the Madrid Championships for 2023 a few months before the competition and felt

  • September 14, 2023By Brian

    Stop three on the tour takes us to Three Rivers, Michigan for the Pit Teen Throwdown.  Stop 1: Finland (Turun Tuomopaiva) Stop 2: Utah (The Iron Games) This is a competition I had been trying to get to for a couple years now and it never worked out. I’m grateful they didn’t give up on

  • September 5, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Nick Burns Extremely quick turn around following the trip to Finland before heading West to Utah for the Iron Games.  History of the Iron Games This is the fifth year of the Iron Games, which are located in Cedar City, Utah. While the competition is well run and fairly well known, it is

  • August 25, 2023By Brian

    Photo Credit: Pekka Väliniemi I consider the time between the end of the CrossFit Games one year, and the start of the CrossFit Open the following year, to be the “offseason”. This year, I’m going on a bit of a world tour in an attempt to broaden my own horizons about the global competitive CrossFit scene.
